The fourth week...

7.30am:  Two builders arrived and began work almost immediately.  Bandanna Man is here along with Whiskery, who I've not seen before.  Both seem to know what they are I'll leave 'em to it.  As a matter of no interest to anyone, the windows at the front of my house are absolutely filthy now and I can only imagine that this is increases my homes insulation properties.  I remember many years ago my husband of the time used to receive items through the post that were related to his work.  These always arrived in large straw-filled envelopes.  When opened the straw from the packages would fly around and gradually the corners of the hallway and kitchen became filled with the dust.  To divert my mind from this annoyance I began to invent positive uses for the packages.  Amongst these were...leg warmers for postmen, knee pads for skateboarders, hats for eskimos, insulated lunch bags, and tootsie finger and toe warmers for the elderly.  In fact (once the staples were removed) our gerbils made a rapid job of recycling them.
There's just been another delivery of bricks and some wooden boards...the building work continues.
3.30pm: Work came to a close for today.  Tomorrow the bricks will be up to lintel height.  A delivery of stuff is due to arrive at some point...with scaffolding to follow.  The builders say that if all goes to plan the roof will be on by the end of next week.  The floor will be laid soon too...shortly followed by windows and doors.  It's all 'go' now!

7am:  The weather is warm and set to get warmer. Two builders have arrived.  Bandanna Man and Whiskery...the early birds : )
10.30am:  There's been a delivery of bricks and some other stuff.  The place looks like a real building site now!
12.30pm: The scaffolding is going up and the whole build has hit the 'reality' factor.  There are brick walls with door and window spaces.  I can see where the extended hallway is going to be and the doorway to the lodge room is in position on the left hand side off this.  There's a space for the front door ahead and a space for the large window to the right.  The bathroom section is behind the lodge room, that part's not been sectioned off yet...but it won't be long before it all comes together.  It's really exciting!
3.40pm:  Builders are clearing up ready to go home now.  I guess there's another two days work before the brickies have completed their part of the build.  After that the carpenters and roofers will appear.  That'll be next week I guess....

7.30am:  Bandanna Man arrived before 7am...Whiskery arrived 7.15.  Both are now working.
9.30am:  Progress is steady.  The weather is dry but cooler than yesterday, which helps.
4pm:  The builders are clearing up now.  There's probably another days work before the bricks are completed...maybe a little more than that.  Whatever, it'll be done by the end of the week.  Then, after that, it's the roof.  Fab!

7.30am:  Bandanna Man and Whiskery have arrived and work has begun.
1pm:  The brickwork is almost's quite a shock to see how far they've got.  I reckon they will finish today.  The skip is full again...I guess that will be collected and replaced soon.
1:45pm:  The builders just said they've spoken to Top Cat.   It looks like they will complete the brickwork today and that some carpenters may arrive tomorrow to take a look at the roof.  I guess a building inspector will appear at some point too...I've not seen one for awhile.  Come to think of it...that's probably why things have been getting on so well recently : )
3.35pm:  The builders have just said 'goodbye' and it was quite sad to see them go.  They are a nice couple.  Never mind...the Woodentops should arrive tomorrow : )

9.15am:  There are no builders on site today. I've not heard anything so don't know whether they'll be here later or not.  There's a Bank Holiday weekend if they aren't here today I guess they will be back on Tuesday.
A Poem...adapted for the fun of it....
original author unknown

Title:  They should have asked my Builder....
You know this world is tough at times, imperfect and oppressed
And it’s not hard to feel concerned, apprehensive and depressed.
It seems that all around us tides of questions ebb and flow
And people want solutions but they don’t know where to go.
Opinions abound but who is wrong? and who is right?
People need a prophet, a diffuser of the light.
Someone they can turn to as the crises rage and swirl.
Someone with the remedy, the wisdom, and the pearl.
Well . . . they should have asked my Builder, he’d have told’em then and there.
His thoughts on immigration, teenage mothers, Tony Blair,
The future of the monarchy, house prices in the south
The wait for hip replacements, BSE and foot and mouth.
Yes . . . they should have asked my Builder, he can sort out any mess
He can rejuvenate the railways he can cure the NHS
So any little niggle, anything you want to know
Just run it past my Builder, wind him up and let him go.
Congestion on the motorways, free holidays for thugs
The damage to the ozone layer, refugees and drugs.
These may defeat the brain of any politician bloke
But present it to my Builder and he’ll solve it at a stroke.
He’ll clarify the situation; he will make it crystal clear
You’ll feel the glazing of your eyeballs, and the bending of your ear.
Corruption at the top, he’s an authority on that
And the Mafia, Gadafia and Yasser Arafat.
Upon these areas he brings his intellect to shine
In a great compelling voice that’s twice as loud as yours or mine.
I often wonder what it must be like to be so strong,
Infallible, articulate, self-confident …… and wrong.
When it comes to tolerance – he hasn’t got a lot
Joyriders should be guillotined and muggers should be shot.
The sound of his own voice becomes like music to his ears
And he hasn’t got an inkling that he’s boring us to tears.
My friends don’t call so often, they have busy lives I know
But its not everyday you want to hear a windbag suck and blow.
Encyclopaedias, on them we never have to call
Why clutter up the bookshelf when my Builder knows it all!